For the last 27 years, I have been selling Christmas trees. The plan was to plant and sell just enough to help my children through college or whatever they needed the money for. Well, one thing led to another and three acres turned into twelve.
Ok, the picture. No, it's not my family or even me. They are what I affectionately call "The Pilot's Family" and over the last twelve years or so, have become very good friends.
First of all, let's introduce you to them. From right to left is Mark (the father), Stephen (the oldest son), Heather (the wife and mother), Mellisa (the youngest daughter), and Garret (the middle son).
At the time I first met them, Mark (who is a commercial airline pilot), was not with Heather and was working flying the friendly skies. I was using my front porch for a greeting area and to serve hot chocolate (boy, have things changed since then). I was inside the house eating lunch when I heard a faint yet confident knock on the door. As I opened the door, this tiny woman, all bundled in warm clothes and with a smile that could make the darkest day seem as bright as the sun, asked if she could get some help finding a tree. As I recall, Stephen was about five and Garret was about two (no Mellisa, yet). Stephen promptly and proud as a peacock said that his dad was an airline pilot and couldn't be here today. So, I put on my boots, and away we went (chain saw in hand). All Stephen could proudly talk about was "his dad is flying and when he came home, the decorations for the tree and the house were going up. Mom said we are not going to decorate until dad comes home". To this day, Stephen won't say much but when you ask him something...Very nice! Garret wasn't saying much, rather taking the whole experience in and trying to hang on to mom.
Well, some time passed and Heather found the tree she wanted, asked the boys if it was OK, and they approved. Then I started the chain saw to cut it down. Holy smokes, I thought Stephen's eyes were going to pop out of his head! I think he said something like "that thing sure is loud!" After shaking and placing the tree on her vehicle, we made it back to the porch for some hot chocolate and conversation. It was some years before I met Mark and with the warm handshake and conversation I knew this would turn into a lasting friendship.
A few years passed and along comes Mellisa. Heather and Mark had her all bundled up in warm clothing when I first saw her and I thought I was going to melt like freshly fallen snow on a summer's day. She reminds me of my daughter in a lot of ways. The look of mischief in her eyes but very well behaved, princess like yet just a little hint of a "tom boy", and laughter in her smile. This year was exceptional when they arrived. I was finishing late trimming on some small trees near the warming shed when I caught her out of the corner of my eye, under one of the larger trees. I knew it was her, she was leaning over with her hands on her knees facing me in her pink boots and said "Hi!" in that little mischievous voice. She ran up and gave me a big hug and that was nice. We then walked over to the shed and I greeted the rest of the family...I was glad to see them all. We talked about what they have been doing for the past year, how the family is growing, and how fun it is to watch the kids grow and change.
My point to all of this is that any business and this tree farm should not be just about making money, that is not the highest priority. It's about making friends. As I reflect back over the last twenty years of having this farm, I think of all the friends I have made and the smiles and happiness that comes here. For me, it is truly one of the best time of year!
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