Saturday, February 13, 2010

Homemade Suet Feeder for Less than Six Dollars!

Using tools you probably already have… here’s a great, inexpensive, home made suet feeder log for our fine feathered friends for less than $6.00!

What you’ll need: one piece of DRY round wood two to three inches in diameter 14 to 16 inches long, one or one and a half inch wood bit, a 3/8 inch drill bit, electric drill, 2 closed eye or open eye hooks (large and long enough so they don’t pull out of the wood), a 24 inch piece of chain or other hanging material (I use decorative chain so the weather won’t deteriate it), 1 small “S” hook, chunky style peanut butter, one commercial type suet feeder cage and cake with hanging chain, 6 branches six to eight inches in length and 3/8 inches in diameter (you can use just about any type but I prefer hardwood such as apple, cherry, birch, etc.), a hammer, a pair of pliers or vise grip.

First, drill your six suet holes one inch deep at a slightly upwards angle (this allows water to run out of the hole) spaced in a scatter manner enough to allow the birds room to maneuver. Then drill the branch holes about one or two inches below the suet hole at a slightly upwards angle. Be sure to remove all wood chips from each hole.

Next, place the hanging hooks into the center of your wood log, top and bottom. Then, attach the “S” hook at one end of the chain, closing the end of the hook over the chain with a hammer, pair of pliers, or vise grip.

You are almost ready to hang your suet feeder. But first, using a spoon fill the large holes in the log with chunky peanut butter (the holes will take two to three spoonfuls to fill). Next, place your six to eight inch long branches in the holes below the suet hole. Do not glue them in place because you will want to remove the branches when you refill the larger holes! Much easier!

Now you are ready to hang the suet feeder log! Loop the chain over a strong branch on a tree (the feeder should hang down about head high or higher to allow room for the commercial suet feeder) and feed the “S” hook into the chain. Place the suet cake into the commercial suet feeder cage then attach to the bottom hook (adjusting the height with its’ supplied chain, if necessary). WALA!

It took me less than an hour to make and place this suet feeder! The birds absolutely love it! Enjoy!

Meanwhile, back at the farm…

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